With the world growing ever more reliant on online connections, using an omnichannel process is important to stay at the top of your game in any field. But precisely what does ‘omnichannel’ mean? As the popularity of the ‘internet of things’ (IOT) grows, people are engaging with brands over multiple platforms and devices. We all often use phones, tablets, laptops, smart TVs, and even wearable tech.

Something that is ‘omnichannel’ involves all of these methods of engagement. Instead of treating them as separate entities, an omnichannel approach recognizes that they are all linked and can overlap. An omnichannel recruitment process is one in which the applicant can engage over multiple devices and platforms, all whilst having a seamless experience.
Understand your goals
In order to implement this kind of process, you need to understand your goals. Why do you want to implement it? How will it benefit you? And is the time you put in worth what you’ll get out?
If you want to stay on top of recruitment trends, this is definitely something to consider. Other good reasons to implement this process include wanting to increase applicant satisfaction, and to expand your reach. It won’t, however, fix existing mistakes. So, make sure you’re confident in your recruitment methods before expanding in this way.
One huge thing an omnichannel process can help with is increasing people’s ability to apply. As you can see above, large amounts of people have issues with their smartphone and job applications. If you make their smartphones part of a seamless process, you’ll be able to snare more of the best candidates.
Have a structure
Once you know what you want out of an omnichannel approach, it’s time to make a plan. Video conferencing solutions make it easy to sit down with your team and draw out a map of where you want to be. Even when you can’t physically be together.
Rather than trying to do everything at once, focus on using data to work out the best method. Customer surveys are a great source of data, but so too can be existing studies and reports. With these, you can see what platforms people commonly engage with you on, what job listing techniques are working – and just as importantly, what isn’t used.
Decide what channels you want to focus your efforts on, and which to avoid. Omnichannel doesn’t mean using every channel available to you, just integrating those that you use. If, for instance, your applicant base doesn’t use Pinterest, there’s no point including it in your plan. But do make sure to meet them where they are, even if they’re on a channel you don’t currently use. If people tweet about you and ask after career opportunities but you don’t have an account, now is the time to make one.
You can also add improvements to your pre-existing platforms. Why not install a chatbot or re-optimize your mobile site? One useful method is to draw out the candidate journey and follow their progression. Track how candidates get in touch with you, and what touchpoints there are through the recruitment process. This way you can keep their experience as smooth as possible. It’s similar to tracing the customer journey as shown below:
Go ‘all in’
Implementing an omnichannel recruitment process is something you need to commit to fully. Anything less than that will be obvious to the applicants, and won’t work. If you miss a popular channel, or there’s a less-than-seamless leap between platforms, any advantages you gained will vanish.
The current situation has increased the need to work remotely. That makes it the ideal time to commit to major changes to help you get ahead. More people are likely to be focusing on online methods of application, so strengthening your process across multiple devices and platforms is vital. It also reduces the amount of processes you have to link, as you won’t need to connect to in-person channels or tasks for a while!
If you’re in ecommerce, In order to properly implement an omnichannel process, you’ll need to have strong inventory management. This may seem like something you wouldn’t need in recruitment, but you may be surprised! If your need for staff fluctuates with customer demand and orders, you need a good way of keeping track. That’s why it’s important to commit fully to the omnichannel process – otherwise, you can end up with related business processes like this falling through the cracks!
Keep evolving
Once you’ve implemented an omnichannel process, you can’t rest on your laurels. You need to keep evolving. The internet moves fast, and to stay on top of it you need to be equally as swift to adapt! The easiest way to do this is to regularly check the data available to you, and to update accordingly.
Something worth considering using are micro funnels. They’re often applied to tracking conversions in digital marketing. They’re also, however, an excellent way to focus on issues that could lead to people dropping out along the recruitment process.
If you have an application form, and you notice a lot of people bounce half way through, a microfunnel can help you narrow down the aspect of the form which is causing the problem. This makes it easier to fix issues. Instead of scrapping the whole form, you can simply fix the particular input!
Lead the Way With Omnichannel Recruitment
The modern world is ever-evolving and developing. What doesn’t change, though, is the importance of hiring top talent. Implementing an omnichannel recruitment process is what ensures you can do precisely that. Think proactively, and keep evolving, and you’ll keep those top-notch candidates out of the clutches of your rivals.
With the internet one of the most important ways job seekers engage with their search, it’s time to take advantage and make sure that you’re easy to find – and, more importantly, easy to use.