Name the first country that comes into your head. I bet there’s a unique employment law there.
In the U.S., it can be quite the challenge understanding all the laws and regulations governing compliance and adverse impact in recruiting at the federal, state, and city levels.
It’s likely not any easier in countries around the world.
To highlight some of the strangest employment laws around the world, I put together this helpful infographic by Legacy Citizenship.
In America—one of the most developed countries in the world—employees can find themselves restricted to their desk the entire day. They can’t even take bathroom breaks when they want!
Why? Because there’s no law saying they can.
If you love your beard, don’t apply for a job in the municipality of Isesake in Japan. Bosses can force an employee to shave it.
On the flip side, some of these laws would be a welcome addition to the employment laws in the U.S.
For example, at Germany’s Labour Ministry, superiors can’t contact their employees before 9am or after 5pm. The ministry created this law to protect workers from “self-exploitation.”
Compliance isn’t the most exciting part of recruiting, but a country’s laws and regulations partly determines how well an employee fits in a role based on their work and personal preferences.
Michael Spicer is a Director at The Website Group, a UK based Digital Agency specializing in pay monthly business web design, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and Social Media Marketing.